Gym Information:
Location: 979 13th Ave. West. We are located on the east side of Dickinson High School, Lower level parking lot, enter through the lower doors. We are the first door on the left-hand side of the hallway.
Our office area and gym space is VERY small! Because of that, we ask parents to remain in the hall.
The Recreational Gymnastics program follows the public school calendar for closures. If school is not in session, there is no gymnastics! In the rare event that we remain open when school is out, we will contact those involved!
Proper attire
Gymnasts should arrive in short and a t-shirt/tank top or leotard and bring a water bottle. There is a water fountain with a bottle filing station in the hallway.
If your child's hair is longer than their chin, it should be pulled back.
No dangly jewelry. Only stud earrings and simple necklaces and bracelets are allowed!
Drop off and Pickup
Please drop off no more than 5 minutes prior to the class start time. Students here earlier will remain in the hallway until 5 minutes before class begins.
Students will be released promptly at the end of their class. It is important that you are here when your child is finished with class. If you want your child to stay in the gym until you arrive, your child must know that. Please have a plan with your child for pick-up!
Please be sure to take your child to the bathroom prior to class. Bathrooms are located down the hall. Coaches are not able to escort children to and from the bathroom. If they need to use the restroom during class, they must be able to walk down the hall and go alone or we ask that you remain in the hallway to help them during their class time.
It is important that you get familiar with iClass. iClass is the website or app you used to register your child for gymnastics. If you do not have the app we encourage you to get it. Please do not unsubscribe to emails! By doing so, you unsubscribe to the emails sent by the gym. Email, Facebook, and text are our main form of communication. In order to receive text communication, you must opt in to text messaging on iClass.
Class Information
Novice, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced are 55 minutes.
Tots are 40 minutes.
You must know what level you enrolled your child in. It is also important that your child know what level they are in. This helps us find their class and get them to the right spot quickly if they are late or making-up!
Make-ups are not guaranteed! In the event that your child misses their regularly scheduled class, they may attend another class, that is the same level, so long as it is not full! Currently we are full in every class so this makes make-ups very difficult. If you want to make-up, you must bring your child to the gym at the desired class start time. Once the class starts, we will let you know if there is room for your child to attend.
Parent Observation
Parents are not allowed in the gym to observe. Our gym space is extremely limited. If you need to take your child out please stop at the front table and we will go get your child.
Parents are allowed to observe through the observation window in the hallway through the doors. During cold or hot weather, the hallway near our door gets cold or hot so we do close the doors. Parents are always welcome to open the doors and stop at the front desk!
There are sport events that happen at the high school during such as volleyball, basketball and wrestling. During those times the halls are gated. Do not be alarmed when you walk in and gates are up, we still have access to the restrooms, water fountains, and observation window.
Contact Information
Website: www.westernedgegymastics.com
Facebook: Western Edge Gymnastics
Instagram: westernedgegymnastics
Office number: 701-456-0011